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Ghost Stories, by Laura Bolt

I will never forget the first time I read Edgar Allen Poe. I had a borrowed a book of his short stories from my brother in sixth grade and spent an evening reading The Black Cat, The Cask of Amontillado,

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Posted in 2011, Author's Resource, Non-Fiction

How To Write A Story Well, by Laura Bolt

One of the most vital tenets of fiction is that you can’t write it without a good story. This may seem incredibly simplistic, but the basic fundamental of “the story” cannot be ignored. Even a talented writer will squander his

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Posted in 2011, Author's Resource, Non-Fiction

Motivation & Professionalism, by Paul Karaffa

Writers are some of the most motivated people in the workforce. Why? Because most of them come home after a long day sitting in front of their computer to do it again for another three or four hours. Sometimes they

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Posted in 2011, Author's Resource, Non-Fiction

How To Write Historical Fiction Well, by Laura Bolt

Historical fiction is a genre that has, and continues to be, extremely popular. It can provide an even greater escape than traditional fiction. It is an exercise in balance, research, and care; and is a challenge, but if you love

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Posted in 2011, Author's Resource, Non-Fiction

How To Write Urban Fantasy Well, by Crystal Maitland

Urban fantasy is an offshoot of Fantasy and one that is oftentimes difficult to define, considering its own varying subsets. Despite that, it does possess a number of standard traits. Supernatural beings and regular humans coexist in some fashion, and

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Posted in 2011, Author's Resource, Non-Fiction

How To Write Flash Fiction Well, by Laura Bolt

There is no question that in the world of publishing, the novel reigns supreme, with the short story holding court nearby in various thin volumes and collected works. If you are familiar with literary magazines, (and as a writer, you

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Posted in 2011, Author's Resource, Non-Fiction

What is Fiction?, by Mary Clare B. Tracy

Take a mental trip back to elementary school where you learned about the different types of writing. When I was in grade school, I remember separating fiction and non-fiction into “not true” and “true” categories respectively. The definition is not

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Posted in 2011, Author's Resource, Non-Fiction

Query Letter [Novel], by Paul Karaffa

Ah, yes, the notorious query letter, the fear of all authors! I know that authors are scrambling under their porches as we speak just from reading the title of this article. So, for the brave few that have decided to

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Posted in 2011, Author's Resource, Non-Fiction

Stories of Legend, by Laura Bolt

A man of incredible strength goes on a journey of twelve labors to rectify his past. A young king takes the throne after pulling a sword from a stone, and through a round table reaches out to history. A ritual

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Posted in 2011, Author's Resource, Non-Fiction

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