The Washington Pastime offers a wide variety of full and part-time publishing related internships and jobs.

Please note: All jobs and internships are UNPAID volunteer work. Additionally, most jobs can be performed using a Windows PC or Mac with Microsoft Word and an internet connection.


    Positions Available:

  • Editorial Intern
    Learn what it’s like to be an editor by working with authors, reviewing second-round submissions, preparing/formatting stories for publication in digital and print, proof-reading/editing, and learning what literary magazines look for in the next great story.

    TIME REQUIREMENTS: 5-20 hours / week, flexible hours, 2-12 mo.

    MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS: Internet connection, Microsoft Word, Skype/iChat/Similar for Web Conferencing/Seminar with The Washington Pastime Staff

  • Web Editor
    Work on the back-end of our website alongside web developers using user-friendly back end programs to synthesize the best possible user experience for visitors to The Washington Pastime.

    TIME REQUIREMENTS: 5-10 hours / month, flexible hours, 2-12 mo.

    MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS: Internet connection, Firefox with Developer Tools, knowledge of CSS, HTML5, WordPress, PHP preferred.

  • Submission Specialist
    The most grueling, and most necessary part of working in the publishing industry is “slush pile” submission review. Our magazine receives hundreds of submissions per week, and we are committed to not only thoroughly reviewing each submission, but providing contributors with relevant and helpful feedback. Submission Specialists learn to read, identify, and help improve the stories we receive.

    NOTE: Although this is the most tedious internship, it is also the most rewarding for writers looking to gain insight into “what sells.”

    TIME REQUIREMENTS: 5-25 hours / week, flexible hours, 2-12 mo.

    MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS: Internet connection, Microsoft Word, time, patience, high reading level, strong vocabulary, fast reading, familiarity with e-mail, commitment, free time, dedication to helping writers and artists.

  • PYA Liaison
    The PYA Liaisons connect directly with PYA Chapters and Chapter Leaders, providing support and connection throughout the semester. Liaisons often provide structural support and public outreach materials to Chapter connections, and seek to continue, strengthen, or begin dialogues with universities across the U.S. and around the English-speaking world.

    TIME REQUIREMENTS:1-15 hours / week, flexible hours, 1-12 mo.

    MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS:Internet connection, phone connection, Email proficiency,Strong communication and outreach skills, creative thinking, structural ingenuity.

  • Still have questions? Feel free to inquire about jobs in greater detail by e-mailing us at jobs(at)washingtonpastime(dot)com.

    Interested in applying as an intern or volunteer? Gather your resume, and fill out our application form below:


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