Click on a submission type to review our specific submission standards for the 2013 calendar year.
- Always check our submissions guidelines before submitting your work to verify that it meets our most current submission standards.
- Submissions that do not meet our submissions standards will be automatically denied.
- With the exception of “We The People” submissions and SKIP THE SLUSH™ purchasers, most submissions take roughly 60 days to be reviewed.
- Please wait the appropriate amount of time before querying submissions
1,000-3,500 words [FIRM]
All literary & graphic genres OK.
Must be original work.
Prior Publication OK.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
All literary & graphic genres OK.
Must be original work.
Prior Publication OK.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
Flash Fiction
300-1,000 words [FIRM]
All literary & graphic genres OK.
Must be original work.
Prior Publication OK.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
All literary & graphic genres OK.
Must be original work.
Prior Publication OK.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
2-365 lines [FIRM]
Fixed forms preferred.
Must be original work.
Must be previously unpublished work.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
Fixed forms preferred.
Must be original work.
Must be previously unpublished work.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
MAX: 5 submissions/quarter [FIRM]
Must be original work.
Must be previously unpublished work.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx, .jpg, .png, or .pdf only.
Must be original work.
Must be previously unpublished work.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx, .jpg, .png, or .pdf only.
Author's Resource
300-1,500 words [FLEXIBLE]
All topics OK.
Must be original work.
Prior Publication OK.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
All topics OK.
Must be original work.
Prior Publication OK.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
Opinion Editorial
500-1,500 words [FLEXIBLE]
Topics: Literature, Pop. Culture, Current Events Preferred.
Must be original work.
Must be previously unpublished work.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
Topics: Literature, Pop. Culture, Current Events Preferred.
Must be original work.
Must be previously unpublished work.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format.
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
We The People
10-1,000 words [FLEXIBLE]
Topic Suggestions: should have national appeal/relevancy.
Responses should be thoughtful, courteous, and non-discriminatory.
Cite facts from reputable sources, if necessary.
Provide sourced quotations wherever possible.
*If your topic is a Non-U.S. issue, please provide context, if necessary.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.
Topic Suggestions: should have national appeal/relevancy.
Responses should be thoughtful, courteous, and non-discriminatory.
Cite facts from reputable sources, if necessary.
Provide sourced quotations wherever possible.
*If your topic is a Non-U.S. issue, please provide context, if necessary.
Must follow standard short story manuscript format
Submissions accepted in .doc, .docx format only.