Now that May, which was the month of Gatsby, has died down, I feel like it’s time for a different sort of discussion. May was positively filled with articles discussing Gatsby, and rightly so. The discussions were dis-jointed: some focused…
Now that May, which was the month of Gatsby, has died down, I feel like it’s time for a different sort of discussion. May was positively filled with articles discussing Gatsby, and rightly so. The discussions were dis-jointed: some focused…
With all of the fuss leading up to movies like The Avengers and Dark Knight Rises, it’s no wonder that superheroes have once again taken hold of the hearts and imaginations of our country. Don’t get me wrong – I…
“A gift is not weighed and measured, nor can it be bought. It can’t be expected or demanded; rather it is granted, or it is not. In theological terms it’s a grace, proceeding from the fullness of being. One can…
“…It may be that some great masterpiece that deserves immortality has fallen still-born from the press, but posterity will never hear of it; it may be that posterity will scrap all the best sellers of our day, but it is…
There is a war about to begin, yet no blood will be shed. There is a change coming, yet, as is the way of things, most people won’t notice anything unusual. On one side, the rhetoric reads “what is at…
At a time when prominent authors like Margaret Atwood are arguing for an increase in literacy (a direct result, she argues, of the internet and Twitter), and novelists (of all creeds) are seeming more “real” and accessible than ever before,…
Winter is cold, yes, but perhaps it would be better to say that it is honest. Winter whips away the cover of lush leaves and plush petals; wriggles through armor of wool and fleece and down. It is not so…
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