The Washington Pastime offers digital fiction to readers free of charge. Below, please find some general legal terms The Washington Pastime follows for publishing writers:
When publishing previously unpublished stories in digital format, The Washington Pastime usually asks for first world electronic rights to publish and distribute the author’s work.
The Washington Pastime will also request first world print rights to publish the work, either stand alone, or combined with other work for one or two years. After one or two years, if the work has not yet been printed, then first world print rights automatically reduce to standard print rights, and the work shall no longer be exclusive to The Washington Pastime.
If a work that was originally published by The Washington Pastime is re-published at another publication (whether digitally or in print), that publication must reference The Washington Pastime as the original publisher.
If The Washington Pastime accepts a work that has been previously published, it shall ask for only standard electronic and print rights to publish and distribute the work. The Washington Pastime shall reference the OP at the bottom of the story.
After a work has been published (either digitally, or in print,) all rights pertaining to that publication type revert back to authors. That is, each written work remains the copyrighted property of its creator after publication.
The Washington Pastime also presents a “human readable” creative commons license for readers to reference.

This work by The Washington Pastime and all of its authors is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Users cannot reprint, copy, or distribute or work without first asking permission from The Washington Pastime and the work’s author.
Parties interested in distributing, re-printing, or referencing our fiction, non-fiction, or other work should first contact The Washington Pastime at contact(at)washingtonpastime(dot)com – The Washington Pastime will provide the contact information of the author of a piece, if necessary.