Blog Archives

Perspective, by Jack Noble


Cameron and I stand on the roof of my building and admire the city lights from thirty stories high. I take a gulp from my can, and breathe a contented sigh. Cameron looks at me. “What are you smiling at?”

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Posted in 2013, Fiction, Science Fiction

The Correction, by Kevin Vorshak


The air shimmered before him. Though unusual, the oppressive heat did do odd things to the concrete and asphalt in the large business complex. Part of him considered staying inside his air-conditioned office, but the desire for a cold salad

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Posted in 2013, Fiction, Science Fiction

Beautiful, by Jay Caselbrig

They said it started in Northern Europe somewhere, though nobody really knows. At first, it was a small footnote article in the web press, but then it spread, grew viral in the media, in the hushed and slightly panicked conversation

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Posted in 2012, Fiction, Science Fiction

The Couple That Dreams Together, by Greg Leunig

I realize my dreams have been hacked when my wife and I get back to our apartment, around lunchtime, with two Dancin’ Doug Robots, and dump them both in our guest room, which has lately become a repository for the

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Posted in 2012, Fiction, Science Fiction

Hold the Mayo, by Diane Arrelle

“I remember when this place had real live servers,” Edgar snapped and watched the frown lines around Gregory’s mouth deepen. “I know, Dad,” Gregory said,”you’ve told me enough times.” Edgar noticed his son’s gaze never flickered from the menu board

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Posted in 2011, Fiction, Science Fiction

Ace of Spades, by Patrick Anderson

Hektor’s body floats by the window in front of the control panel every four hours. There’s an alarm on the watches NASA gave us before we came up here, set to the twenty-four hour UTC time standard. According to the

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Posted in 2011, Fiction, Science Fiction

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