Blog Archives

WTP: Terrorism in the U.S.


CONTEXT:In the wake of tragedies in Auora, Co. (July 20, 2012), Newtown, Ct. (Dec. 14, 2012), and Bostom, MA. (Apr. 15, 2013) in the past few months, some U.S. citizens have begun to feel as if tragedy is becoming the

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Posted in 2013, Additional Content, We The People



If you truly love telling stories and entertaining others through the written word, then never stop writing, never stop studying the craft, never stop revising or submitting. Do not get discouraged. In November, 2011, The Washington Pastime had the privilege

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Posted in 2013, Additional Content, Author Spotlight


Author Spotlight: Bharadwaj

Radha Bharadwaj is an Indian film maker and writer who moved to the U.S. in her late teens. She received her MFA in Radio, TV, and Film from Temple University’s School of Media and Communication, and is most well known

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Posted in 2013, Additional Content, Author Spotlight, Non-Fiction

WTP: Domestic Drone Strikes in the U.S.

WTP: Domestic Drone Strikes

Submitted by Emily H., Fairfax, VA CONTEXT: On Wednesday, Mar. 06, 2013, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) took to the senate floor and proceeded to “drone” on for an astonishing 13 hours, according to Public Radio International. Sen. Rand’s objective, to

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Posted in 2013, Additional Content, We The People

WTP: GUNS in the U.S.


Topic: provided by: E.R., Edison, NJ SYNOPSIS: The gun debate is raging on months after the tragedy in Newtown. With so many different political viewpoints, and the 2nd amendment to uphold, what would be a fair compromise for both proponents

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Posted in 2013, Additional Content, We The People

We The People

We The People

Introducing “We The People” – A discussion platform where users can submit controversial and current topics of national interest and offer their solutions. Gun violence. Inadequate healthcare. Testing and developing nuclear weapons. Immigration Reform. Gay Rights. Odds are, you have

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Posted in Additional Content, News, We The People

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